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5 Lead Generation Ideas (That Work) to Try for Your Next Marketing Campaign

June 3, 2019

Whether you’re a B2C or B2B business, one of the biggest keys to success is the generation of new sales leads. Gone are the days of only resorting to cold calling prospective customers to try to sell them your product or service. Over the past decade, there has been an abundance of emerging software and tools to help businesses with lead generation.

Here are 5 lead generation ideas (that work) to try for your next marketing campaign:

1. Landing Pages

Creating and optimizing a landing page for your next marketing campaign is a great way for you to generate valuable leads for your business. Understanding the importance of landing pages and everything that goes into making a good landing page will help your business drive better traffic to your website and generate higher lead conversion.

An effective landing page typically includes an attention-grabbing headline, simple and clear copy of what is being offered, keywords that are optimized for search, hidden navigation, some sort of CTA (call-to-action), and a lead-capture or conversion form. Bonus points for visual appeal!

Take Lyft for example. Its “Become A Driver” page is an excellent example of an effective landing page for lead generation. You will notice that this landing page has hidden navigation, with minimizes distractions as readers scroll down the page. This increases the chances of visitors staying on the page for a longer period of time, ultimately increasing the chances of converting as a lead.

Right away, the headline, “Make CA$950 in 30 days guaranteed driving in City of Toronto” captures the readers’ attention. The headline is making a promise that incentivizes visitors to sign up to become a Lyft driver.

Lyft also uses visible CTA’s as you scroll down the landing page, encouraging its visitors to sign up after providing a “what’s in it for you” type of message.

The clear and concise copy used is also an effective way of telling visitors what Lyft has to offer. When you’re considering incorporating landing pages to your lead generation strategy, less is more. What will capture the reader’s attention to make them want to know more? Keep it brief, succinct, and straight to the point.

2. Email Marketing

Many businesses have already incorporated email marketing into their lead generation strategy, but there is always room to improve and find new ways to increase the number of inbound leads that come in from your email communication. Do your e-newsletters go out bi-weekly? Monthly? Consistent email communication helps build credibility and trust with your leads. Take it to the next level this year and add a touch of personalization to your email marketing strategy!

For example, BrainStation sends monthly newsletters to keep subscribers up-to-date with the latest courses they have to offer. There is also the touch of personalization as seen in the greeting tag of the email above. Adding that personalization creates a mutually beneficial relationship between you as the business and your audience as the potential customer.

If you want to take it to the next level, a popular tool to integrate into your lead generation strategy is marketing automation (e.g. Marketo, Hubspot, Pardot, etc.). Larger enterprise companies typically use marketing automation to build a steady flow of leads for their business through the method of “dripping” information. At the end of the day, businesses of all sizes can customize their email marketing strategy however they see fit to best achieve their lead generation goals.

3. Gated Content

Providing gated content for your potential customers is another idea to consider to help with lead generation in 2019. If your business has any premium content such as software tools and resources, e-books, whitepapers, webinars, etc., you can easily incorporate it into your lead generation and inbound marketing strategy. This is a quick and easy way to exchange your content for a sales lead. Typically, visitors on your website will fill out a form to gain free access to your content. In return, you retain their contact information and it becomes a sales lead for future conversion.

For example, Salesforce uses gated content as leverage for visitors who want access to their reports. As we see on the right, there is a form with a number of fields for visitors to fill out with an option to opt-in to their marketing communications.

In this case, the quality of your leads will be better because those requesting for access to your content shows that they’re genuinely interested in what your business is about or what you have to offer. As a result, users are willing to become a sales lead in exchange for the information or insight you have gated.

4. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Google AdWords and Google’s Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising have been around for quite some time now, and it’s more important now than ever before. If you’re not already using PPC advertising in your lead generation and marketing strategy, your next campaign in 2019 may be a good time to start! PPC advertising is an extremely cost-effective way to generate traffic to a landing page or a lead generation form.

In this scenario, businesses will set up custom ads to be displayed when online users enter specific search queries. The wonderful thing about PPC advertising is that you don’t pay until someone clicks on your ad. An effective ad typically has a great headline that attracts readers’ attention, a clear and brief description of your product or service, and further incentives for your readers to click.

As you can see in Spotify’s Google ad above, the headline “Unlimited Music on Any Device” sparks the reader’s attention. The description is clear and concise, outlining some of the many benefits Spotify Premium has to offer. There are also effective CTA’s below the description that encourage readers to click for more information.

Just like Lyft’s landing page we examined earlier, this Spotify ad redirects users to Spotify Premium’s landing page. Similar to Lyft’s landing page, it embodies similar characteristics: an attention-grabbing headline, simple and clear copy of what is being offered, keywords that are optimized for search, hidden navigation, and a CTA.

At the end of the day, it is important to keep in mind and understand all the reasons why PPC is still vital to your to your online lead generation strategy. Equip yourself and your team with the right resources and see how your business can leverage paid ads for your next marketing campaign.

5. Remarketing

Have you ever left a website and all of a sudden, its ads are following you for weeks on end wherever you go online? An example is when you visit an e-commerce store, add your items to your online shopping cart, and never carry through with making the purchase. A few days later, you suddenly see ads for that same e-commerce store popping up on every other website you visit. That’s all thanks to remarketing! When someone visits your website and doesn’t convert as a lead, you can easily lure them back in with a little remarketing know-how.

According to Google, remarketing “allows you to strategically position your ads in front of audiences as they browse Google or its partner websites”. This helps increase brand awareness and keeps your brand top-of-mind when your previous visitors are browsing other sites. As a result, remarketing is a quick and effective way to remind those audiences to come back to your website and make a purchase.

Approach this year with an open mind and never stop exploring new ways to improve your lead generation strategy. Implement and test out a few ideas we’ve discussed above and see how you can incorporate them into your next marketing campaign!

WSI was founded in 1995 and is an innovative digital marketing agency with offices in over 80 countries. We’ve spent over 20 years helping more than 100,000 companies and large global brands unlock the full potential of their business by leveraging the Internet and its many unrecognized opportunities. We’d be happy to help do the same for you and consult on your digital marketing strategy.  Simply give me a call or at to learn more.


About the Author

Rick spent 20 years in the insurance industry in finance, primarily developing reporting platforms for B & C stakeholders.   His ability to speak to consumers of data (managers and analysts) and translate their needs to programmers led him to start his own digital marketing agency in 2004 to develop data driven solutions for business owners. 


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